Free Resources
Attendance Verification [download .pdf]
Submit this form to you seminar instructor to sign. Use this form for continuing education credits.
Course Evaluation [download .pdf]
Submit this form to TBM after attending a seminar to receive credit for attendance.
Master the Art of Healing Certification Packet [download .pdf]
Description of our certification program and application forms.
Order Form [download .pdf]
Use this form to view all TBM products at a glance or to mail in an order.
Participant Agreement [download .pdf]
Sign this form prior to attending a TBM event.
Timed Problems [download .pdf]
Autonomic Recovery - Sugar Control Program (English) [download .pdf]
Sugar Control Program (Spanish) [download .pdf]
Autonomic Recovery - Sugar Control Program (French) [download .pdf]
Yeast Reduction Program [download .pdf]
78 Reasons to Avoid Sugar (English) [download .pdf]
78 Reasons to Avoid Sugar (Spanish) [download .pdf]
78 Reasons to Avoid Sugar (French) [download .pdf]
Be the Solution - Patient Handout [download .pdf]
This sheets explains both the slogan "Be the Solution" and the reason for wearing two violet wrist bands to the lay public. It is available for download and distribution by TBM™ practitioners.
Circadian Worksheet [download .pdf]
This is a form to be completed and followed by the patient who is needing to re-establish a circadian cycle.
How to Get a Good Night's Sleep [download .pdf]
How to Protect Yourself While Flying [download .pdf]
Rare Steak, You've Got to Be Kidding! [download .pdf]
Rest - Grizzly Bear Home Blocking [download .pdf]
courtesy of Jacqueline Paltis, D.C.
Autonomic Recovery - Sugar Control Program [download .pdf]
What Do I Do When I Get the Flu? [download .pdf]
Patient education material outlining what they can do when the get sick.
Core Essence/Protection [download .pdf]
Posture Allignment Training (PAT) [download .pdf]
TBM's Corona Virus Comprehensive Procedure [download .pdf]
TBM’S VIOLET ISOLATION BANDS - Questions & Answers [download .pdf]
TBM Restoring Body Self Regulation Dr. Kevin Millet
[download .pdf]
Calcium [download .pdf]
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) [download .pdf]
TBM Tracking Sheets (English) [download .pdf]
This document contains all of the tracking sheets current available in TBM. Included are the Basic Exams, which are the Physiological from Module 1 and Structural, Allergy, Emotion, Energy, Learning and Immunological from Module 2. Also included are the TBM Comprehensive Exams, they are: Allergy, Body Composition Optimization, Benchmarks (Phases of Healing/Sound Body, Clear Mind, Open Heart), Cobalamin, Emotional (aka Liminal Sweep), Energy, Immunological, Medication, Metal Homeostasis, Need & Use, Neurological, Sugar, and Structural. There are also Additional Corrections and Vital Scan documents too. To top it off, they are all designed in color with a our beautiful TBM logo as a watermark. Enjoy!
Drug Policy and Drug Awareness Form [download .pdf]
Autonomic Recovery and Implementation Assessment Form [download .pdf]
Vial Disclaimer [download .pdf]
Carry a copy of this with you when you travel to ease concerns about the testing vials.
TBM™ Vital Scan (updated 8 October 2014) [download .pdf]
TBM's Energetically Enhaced Vials, a history 1734-2016 [download .pdf]

A Brief History of Chiropractic's Discovery [download .pdf]
The origin of Chiropractic as told by it's founder, Daniel David Palmer.
Chiropractic Symptomatology (1914), James N. Firth, D.C. [download .pdf]
Flexner Report (1910) [download .pdf]
Medical Education in the United States and Canada. Abraham Flexner. 1910. 364 pages.
In Memorium - Victor Frank, D.C. [download .pdf]
Obituary that appeared in The Chiropractic Journal.
What Chiropractic Is Doing - Burton Shields, Co. 1938&nbps; [download .pdf]
This book, published in 1938, provides a snapshot of the chiropractic profession at the time. Dr. Frank often referred to TBM™ as a continuation of the work of the "early chiropractic masters." This book provides a glimpse into what he was referring to.
Mesmerismus oder System der Wechselwirku by Franz Anton Mesmer, MD [download .pdf]
(1814) NOTE: Language is German.
Natural and Mesmeric Clairvoyance, with the Practical Application of Mesmerism in Sugery and Medicine, James Esdaile, MD, 1852 [download .pdf]
Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism, J.P.F. Delouze, 1837 [download .pdf]
Research Studies
Allostasis and Allostatic Load - McEwen [download .pdf]
Allostasis and Allostatic Load: Implications for Neuropsychopharmacology - Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D (NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 22, NO. 2)
Goitrogenic and Estrogenic Activity of Soy
Goitrogenic and estrogenic activity of soy isoflavones.
Environ Health Perspect. 2002 Jun;110 Suppl 3:349-53.
Doerge DR, Sheehan DM. Source
Pain and Stress in a Systems Perspective - Richard Chapman [download .pdf]
Pain and Stress in a Systems Perspective - Richard Chapman, PhD (J Pain. 2008 February ; 9(2): 122–145)
STUDY - Depression as a Comorbidity to Diabetes [download .pdf]
Riley, et al, Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 2009;5(7):523-535.
Deadly Medicine [download .pdf]
January 2011 article from Vanity Fair on the hazards of allopathic medications in general, but especially from the increasingly frequent practice of conducting research in impoverished populations throughout the world.
Death by Medicine - Gary Null [download .pdf]
This is an article which first appeared in Life Extension magazine in March of 2004. It is a presentation of the data that reveals that the number one cause of death in the USA is medical care.
Module One Audio - Dynamics of Basic Exam CD Track listing for MP3 players [download .pdf]
Balancing Hormones Pathways Diagrams (Mod 3 supplement) [download .pdf]
Vial Label Template for blank vial purchased from TBM [download .doc]
Baños Genitales [download .pdf]
Cómo Dormir Bien Por La Noche [download .pdf]
Dieta Piedras en El Riñón [download .pdf]
Dieta Azúcar [download .pdf]
Dieta Piedras de La Vesícula [download .pdf]
El Examen Basico Modulo Uno Historial [download .pdf]
Evaluación del Seminario [download .pdf]
Programa de Reducción de Levaduras [download .pdf]
Protección TBM [download .pdf]